We are currently completing Fall 2023 placements!

HCPC Results

Clinical Experience in Numbers AY 2020-2021
2,379Clinical Placements283,035Est. Education Hours31,000Placements to Date21HCPC Partners
To date, the HCPC has collectively established more than 31,000 nursing clinical education placements in our partner facilities. We remain grateful for the continued collaboration of our clinical and education partners in their support of nursing education and the Hawai‘i nursing workforce.

What We Do

The Hawaii State Center for Nursing leads the coordination of the Hawai‘i Clinical Placement Collaborative (HCPC), comprised of Hawai‘i schools of nursing and clinical partners, and supports the regional use of standardized software.  This includes the coordination of partner enrollment and facilitation of collaborative engagement by partners through participation in HCPC State Collaborative meetings aimed at strengthening clinical placements capacity in the State and responding to changing trends in healthcare settings and nursing education in Hawai‘i.

Informational Briefs