The Center, in response to the Board of Nursing’s continuing competency requirements, developed programs to support lifelong learning and professional development such as our continuing nursing education program. The Center became an accredited provider of continuing nursing education through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) in 2020. We partner with academic, employer, and community healthcare organizations across the state and nationally to provide a breadth of topics to Hawaii nurses.
Live CNE Events
Enduring CNE Activities
Activity Review Meetings
The Center holds activity review meetings monthly. If you are jointly providing an activity with us, please note that the activity learning guide and other pertinent documents must be reviewed during one of the scheduled meetings and the activity must be planned for four or more weeks from the date of the review meeting. Documents must be submitted by 10:00 am on the day before the meeting. 2024 meetings are scheduled for:
- January 23
- February 27
- March 26
- April 23
- May 28
- June 25
- August 27
- September 24
- October 22
- November 26
- December 24
If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, contact Upon request, CNE materials will be made available in an alternate format such as an electronic copy or audio recording.

The Hawai`i State Center for Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.