Current and Enacted Legislation | Preceptor Tax Credit | Continuing Competency | 2022 License Fee Increase |
In 2003, the Hawaii State Legislature passed Act 198 which established the Center for Nursing and created a sustainable funding mechanism through nurse license fees. These fees were established at $40 upon initial licensure and upon renewing a nurse license every two years. The $40 fees were based on business need to sustain a three-person staff based on the 2003 economy.
In 2022, the Hawaii State Legislature passed Act 66 which increases the license fees to $60 per license biennium (every odd year, when nurses renew their license).
Need and Rationale
In 2022, Hawaii State Center for Nursing sought the first license fee increase in 20 years. HSCN found that our state is considerably pricier – from an 176% change in median cost of single family homes to 129% change in cost of gasoline – yet the Center’s license fees had never risen. In addition, to maintain the current programs and meet the ever-growing needs of nurses in Hawaii, we required more than just three employees. While the Center has diversified its funding sources, and grown it’s revenue from in-kind, partner contributions, registration fees and grants to be 50% of our revenue sources today, this was not enough. The request for increase in license fees supports a sustainable budget for the Center far into the future. Thank you to the legislators and nursing community for your support on this initiative.

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