In 2015, the Hawai`i State Center for Nursing is proposed legislation to require licensed registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to submit evidence of continuing competency at each renewal period, beginning with the July 1, 2017 licensing biennium. Please click here for more information.

Nationally, 71% of Boards of Nursing require continuing competency for license renewal. In Hawai`i, the Continuing Education Joint Advisory Committee, in accordance with SCR 167 SD2, SLH 2010, found that life long learning is key to delivering safe, high-quality patient care and that continuing competency may be implemented with no fiscal impact on nurses, employers, or educational institutions.

Act Bill Title Description
127 HB354 HD2 SD1 RELATING TO NURSES. Beginning with the July 1, 2017, licensing biennium, requires licensed registered nurses and licensed practical nurses to submit evidence of completed continuing competency requirements prior to the renewal of the license.