Act 2SB1 SD2Abortion; Physician Assistants; Consent by Minors; Reproductive Health Care Services; Disclosures; Subpoenas; Licensing Authorities; Disciplinary Action; Investigations; ProceedingsAllows licensed physician assistants to perform certain abortions. Repeals the requirement that abortions be performed at certain locations. Clarifies that the State shall not deny or interfere with a pregnant person’s right to choose to (1) obtain an abortion or (2) if necessary to protect the life or health of the patient terminate the pregnancy. Defines “abortion” and “nonviable fetus”. Prohibits a covered entity from disclosing information relating to reproductive health care services. Prohibits the issuance of a subpoena in connection with an out-of-state or interstate proceeding relating to reproductive health care services legally performed in the State. Prohibits agencies from providing information or expending resources in the furtherance of out-of-state or interstate investigations or proceedings relating to reproductive health care services. Prohibits the State from taking adverse action based on pregnancy outcomes or for aiding or assisting a pregnant individual with receiving reproductive health care services. Requires the Governor to deny any demand for surrender of a person charged with a crime involving reproductive health care services unless the conduct constitutes a crime in the State or is made under Article IV, section 2, of the U.S. Constitution. Enumerates laws contrary to public policy and prohibits their application. Prohibits the issuance of a summons for persons to testify in another state with regard to lawful reproductive health care services. Clarifies under various licensing statutes that the provision or assistance in receipt or provision of certain services related to the human reproductive system cannot form a basis for disciplinary action. Prohibits the enforcement of a judgment or order arising from a foreign penal civil action or other penal law with respect to reproductive health care services. Amends the definition of “medical care and services” so that a minor may…(see document for full description) (SD2)
Act 21SB438Professional and Vocational Licensing; Application for Licensure; Application for Examination; AbandonmentReduces the period for which an application shall be considered abandoned from two years to one year. Specifies the conditions under which applications for licenses and examinations will be deemed abandoned. Provides that the one-year period after which an application is considered abandoned cannot be extended. Provides that a licensing authority shall not be required to act on any abandoned application and that the licensing authority may destroy abandoned applications. Clarifies that an application submitted after an abandoned application shall be treated as a new application and that the applicant shall comply with any new licensing requirements in effect at the time of the new application.
Act 43HB650 HD2 SD1Kupuna Caucus; Our Care, Our Choice Act; Medical-Aid-In-Dying; Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; Clinical Nurse Specialists; Marriage and Family Therapists; Mandatory Waiting Period; WaiverAuthorizes advanced practice registered nurses to practice medical-aid-in-dying. Authorizes licensed advanced practice registered nurses and clinical nurse specialists with psychiatric or mental health training and licensed marriage and family therapists to provide counseling to a qualified patient. Reduces from twenty to five days, the mandatory waiting period between the two oral requests required for a qualified patient to obtain a prescription for medication. Waives the mandatory waiting period for terminally ill qualified patients who are not expected to survive the mandatory waiting period. (SD1)
Act 74HB353 HD1 SD1 CD1UH; Maui College; Certified Nurse Aides; Licensed Practical Nurses; Certified Nurse Aide to Practical Nurse Bridge Program; Appropriations; Expenditure Ceiling ($)Appropriates funds for the expansion of the certified nurse aide to practical nurse bridge program at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui college, including funding for instructional costs and student aid. (CD1)
Act 102SB599 SD1 HD2 CD1Respiratory Therapists; Supervision; Physician Assistants; Advanced Practice Registered NursesAllows certain physician assistants to sign orders for respiratory therapy and plans of care. Expands the class of health care providers under whom respiratory therapists may practice respiratory care to include physician assistants and advanced practice registered nurses. (CD1)
Act 173SB1344 SD2 HD2 CD1DOE; DOH; Educational Health Services; Medication Administration; School Health Assistants; ExceptionsReplaces the term “school health aides” with “school health assistants” to reflect recent changes to the job title. Allows the administration of medication to public school students by school health assistants with the approval of a health care professional within the Department of Education, Department of Health, or a health care service pursuant to a written agreement with the Department of Education. (CD1)